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  • khandiz

Anywhere Workers And How To Stay Connected to A Creative Community.


Working remotely and not at a conventional office is now a very acceptable way to work. With technology evolving (almost daily it seems), it makes it simpler for people in virtually any profession to work practically anywhere. You can run an entire business from your smartphone and laptop...and I am speaking from experience here folks.

However, everyone’s transition into remote work is different and unique. So it is a good idea to gain an understanding of your working style and flow, to ensure the reward of having the freedom to live your life in the way that you choose, is worth it.

Despite the Instagrammable opportunities about the "digital nomad life", any comprehensive studies on the number of people living this way are few and far between. An article by suggests that this is partly due to the "inherent transience" of creative freelancers on the move, and also the fact that many dislike the term 'digital nomad' - identifying instead as 'working remotely'. The conclusion of this lack of research also offers insight into online communities for 'digital nomads' and that they appear to be populated as much by aspiring nomads as by people actually living the lifestyle.

Here at Novel Creatives, we indeed aren't just 'digital-workers.' We are building a #community of creative, ethically-minded individuals who are based around the globe. So, while a lot of our talent might not consider themselves 'digital nomads' at all - as their work is very much hand-and-in-person crafted - the platform allows brands an opportunity to be nomadic with their thinking and perhaps even expand on the opportunity to create a visual campaign in far off lands. All the while minimising their carbon footprint by hiring locals to produce stunning visual content with an authentic, well-rounded story to tell behind the scenes. We also make it possible for the nomads - aka travel-loving-freelancers within our community, to find paid opportunities while travelling; visa permitting of course!

Subscribe for free and see our range of talent!

K x

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